Pro-Eurotex was founded by Irene Lee in 1983. It was a small trading company based at home in Taiwan with only 2 employees.
New business partners such as Lecoq Sportif (Life Style) and Sergio Tachini (Tennis) were added onto the client list.
Pro-Eurotex has set up its own factory in Xiamen, China.
Pro-Eurotex has moved the production to Xiamen,China.
Pro-Eurotex grown 14 folds and become one of the important suppliers for many European textile companies. Exporting products include garments, bags, socks, and accessories.
The company has positioned itself to Specialized Sports Garment Maker. Several different sports that requires high functional features such as running, training, snowboarding, and ourdoor items are the key products for Pro-Eurotex (Xiamen) to produce. Brands profile adding Protest, Nordica, Newline, and 2XU.
A trading office was set up in 1999. In the same year, high technology Military textile has become a new business field for the company.
Pro-Eurotex had involved heavily in product development in football sports for many different European brands. Brand portfolio include such as Umbro, Puma, Diadora, Lotto, and Hummels. Over 1.2 million pieces of competitive club jersey were shipped per year by Pro-Eurotex.